Polygontgpinang.co.id-All About OSCAR FERYANTO Oscar Feryanto (born in Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands, February 5, 1986, age 30 y...
Polygontgpinang.co.id-All About OSCAR FERYANTO
Oscar Feryanto (born in
Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands, February 5, 1986, age 30 years old), he is a
national bike racer cross around Indonesia road. Previously he had concentrated
in swimming and finally decided to choose road bike at the age of 25 years old
at that time. A few achievements ever achieve in his early career as a starter.
Until finally "Oscar", he’s nickname, the person from Tanjung Pinang
is a pride of Polygon Roda Malaka and be joined in Polygon Malaka Speed Team.
Being part of Polygon athletes, Oscar gives new hopes in bicycle race and
triathlon competitions that dominated foreign participants.
the beginning of his career in racing bike/road bike, Oscar Feryanto
consecutive championship winning regional, national and international. When he
got the chance to represent Indonesia at the Golden Triangle International
Triathlon 2015 in Thailand, Oscar take in 1st Place in Individual
Distance Category. Oscar Feryanto also represented Indonesia take a part in ASTC
Japan 2016. Oscar Feryanto in 1st place on Metaman Iron Distance
Triathlon Championship in 2013 and Metaman Indonesian Champions in Iron
Distance Triathlon category in 2013, and in Sungai Liat Triathlon 2014, Oscar
also take a 1st place too. The Achievement which achieved by Oscar
Feryanto is a Tanjung Pinang Riau Islands pride, and also main sponsor Polygon
Roda Malaka pride.
The First interested
Oscar interested on swimming sport and regular practice. Fascination with the bicycle
began when Oscar often bike to work. From that Oscar began to feel differently
and begin to fall in love with all things about bike. From there came the
intention of Oscar to start cycling seriously.
of the seriousness Oscar in the bike world can be know at workout routines
carried out to become a professional athlete. Oscar practicing cycling as far
as 100km and is done with the routine three times a week. Oscar take part of championship
competition for the first time. Starting from a whim, Oscar won 2nd place
in Full Iron Distance Individual Category - Age Category, therefore Oscar was
more interested and more serious about the cycling racing. The whole process
and the exercise has been passed with high discipline. Oscar already participated
in various championships in both the national and international levels. Oscar existence
not because of luck but hard work. This achievement is a proof of discipline and
hard work Oscar in practice.
Joined in Polygon Malaka Team Speed (MSTeam)
Oscar taking part on competition as individually without join any team and in
2011, Oscar seeking information to be able to join as athletes of Polygon Roda
Malaka team. In the same year, Oscar submit an application to be joined as an
athlete Polygon Roda Malaka. In the end, Oscar accepted and become part of the
Polygon Malaka Speed Team. The reasons why Oscar initiative to join in
Polygon Malaka Speed Team is none other than he know Polygon Bikes is well
known and dominate the world's bike in Indonesia and the World. From here,
Oscar more actively participate in various race competition both nationally and
2nd Place
Metaman 2012 Full Iron Distance Individual-Age Category 25-29 years old, 14-15
September 2012
3rd PlaceTour
De Barelang 2012 Stage 3, 09-11 November 2012
2nd Place
Tour De Barelang 2012 Professional Category, 16 December 2012
1st Place
Metaman 2013 Full Iron Distance Individual-Age Category 25-29 years old, 30-31
August 2013
1st Place
Metaman Indonesian Champion 2013, 30-31 August 2013
4th Place
Tour De Bintan 2013 CAT3 Stage 2, 08-10 November 2013
1st Place
Batam International Triathlon 2014 Sprint Distance Individual Category, 29
February 2014
3rd Place
Batam International Triathlon 2014 Olympic Distance Individual Category, 29
February 2014
1st Place
Sungailiat Triathlon Sprint Distance Individual Category, 19 April 2014
2nd Place
Bintan Triathlon 2014 Sprint Category-Age Category 16-29 years old, 17-18 May
1st Place
Metaman 2014 Full Iron Distance Individual-Age Category 25-29 years old, 23-25
August 2014
Place Metaman Indonesian Champion 2014, 23-25 August 2014
Place Pariaman Triathlon 2014, 29-30 November 2014
Place Golden Triangle International Triathlon Thailand Individual Category,
28-29 March 2015
Place Metasprint Series Triathlon Sprint Triathlon Category, 19 April 2015
Place Sungailiat Triathlon 2015 Olympic Distance Category, 24-25 April 2015
Place Bintan Triathlon 2015 Olympic Distance Individual Category-Age Category 16-29
years old, 23-24 May 2015
Place Bintan Triathlon 2015 Sprint Distance Individual Category, 23-24 May 2015
Place Bintan Triathlon 2015 Sprint Distance Individual Category-Age Category
16-29 years old, 23-24 May 2015
Place Singapore International Triathlon Sprint Distance Individual Category, 25
July 2015
Place Singapore International Triathlon Sprint Distance Individual Category-Age
Category 25-29 years old, 25 July 2015
Place Ironman 70.3 Individual 70.3 Category-Age Category 25-29 years old, 23
August 2015
Place Bali International Triathlon Olympic Distance Individual Category, 25 October
Place Bali International Triathlon Best Indonesian Male, 25 October 2015
Place Singapore Duathlon, 28 November 2015
Place Metasprint Series Singapore Aquathlon Sprint Triathlon Category, 21
February 2016
Place Metasprint Series Singapore Triathlon Sprint Triathlon Category-Age
Category 30-34 years old, 17 April 2016
Place Metasprint Series Singapore Triathlon Sprint Triathlon Category, 17 April
Place Bintan Triathlon 2016 Sprint Distance Individual Category, 28-29 May 2016
Place Singapore Aquathlon Standart Distance Category, 18 June 2016